Christmas Schemes for Till Operators

Christmas Trees for Schools


BRIEF: Always add the school name to the transaction (see how below)

DETAIL: We have agreed to give £5 to nominated schools when customer buys a tree.
They should mention the school they wish to support when they come to the till.

If they are not a Friends member they should ideally be asked “If you join our free Friends Club we can give 5% of your spend to the PTA every time you shop here?” Would you like to do that…. etc etc (see signing up customers to Friends)

Whatever the outcome, please add the chosen school to the transaction from drop down list as follows, so we can report on which school is supported and give the money at the end of tree season.

Go to:
Go to:
Trees for Schools
correct school name

Proceed with transaction

Book Exchange

BRIEF: Customers can now pay for their 2nd hand books on the till

DETAIL: Second hand book/DVD shelves in the Coffee Shop have been raising money for charity for nearly 10 years. It’s always been a suggested £1 per book but is at customers discretion. eg some small/thin kiddies books they can choose what to pay. Take payment using the BOOK EXCHANGE button under DELIVERY/DONATION button on till.

- Grotto & Breakfast

BRIEF: All bookings are taken online until 9am of the event day. Customers wishing to visit Grotto without bookings must see the Elf at Grotto entrance to find out when there is availability that day.
Breakfast - we do not take walk-ins for breakfast with Santa.

-Tree of Wishes

RAFFLE/WISH TREE BRIEF: Cash or card payments for raffle tickets and tree of wishes can be taken at the Garden Centre. When Grotto is open they can pay with Elf.

DETAIL: In the week (when grotto closed)we can sell raffle tickets at Garden Centre
Raffle - £1 per strip of 5 tickets.
Go to: Donations & Delivery
Go to: Rotary/Santa
Go to: Raffle *(enter the number of £1s)
1. Take payment
2. Customer writes their name and tel no, on back of one half of the tickets and gives to us.
3. We give customer the other half of the tickets.
4. We divide and fold the tickets with tel. no. on and put them in the box on counter.

Go to: Donations & Delivery
Go to: Rotary/Santa
Go to: Tree of Wishes*(enter the number of £1s)

The tree is by the grotto with pens & paper star decorations for customer to write on. They either can write the wish/memory before or after paying. £1 per tree decoration.

Sheeplands Own
Gift Vouchers

Training notes to follow - please ask a supervisor if unsure. We have our own cards and envelopes for these. If you run out spares are in MELS tray in Garden Centre till area.

Gift Voucher button is in GIFTS on till

NOTE: It is better to sell these where possible

Gift Vouchers

Training notes to follow - although there should be a laminated instruction sheet for selling and redeeming these at every till

Gift Voucher button is in GIFTS on till

(NGGV stands for National Garden Gift Voucher- is what the voucher is marketed as and what the customers will know it as)
(HTA means Horticultural Trade Association - the people who produce the voucher - this really only means anything to us.)
We accept these vouchers in ALL departments,


Prices for delivery:


Details needed for driver:
Name, Address, Tel Number, Receipt - any instructions such as “by Friday”, leave by back door etc

If in doubt contact a supervisor for help/guidance.


to follow…. might get its own page!!!

Reduced Stickers

Keep your eyes peeled for “reduced stickers” there will be many around. Where possible we have reduced items at the till, but there are still some products reduced by sticker.
