Fresh Cut & Pot Grown
Premium Christmas Trees
Fresh Cut Trees
Premium Nordmann Fir
Abies normanniana
The most popular variety. A classic wide “ball” Christmas tree shape with soft, dark green needles. Excellent needle holding properties.
Available Cut (for your stand at home)
5-6 feet £50
6-7 feet £65
7-8 feet £65
4-5 feet £45 (block on the base)
Extra large Nordmann 5m+ £299
… only a few! Come early!
Premium Fraser Fir
Abies fraseri
A non drop tree with upturned needles - silver undersides add to their charm. Typically narrowest of the non-drop trees so ideal for smaller rooms. This is a pyramid shaped tree with flat, shiny deep green needles. The foliage is dense and soft – an ideal tree for all members of the family to decorate.
Frasers Available in:
150-175cm (~5/6ft) £50
175/200cm (~6/7ft) £65
Norway Spruce
Picea abies
Fondly remembered from my youth, this tree has been the traditional Christmas tree ever since Queen Victoria and Prince Albert popularised the idea of bringing trees into the home for Christmas time.
Lovely scent, a conical shape with dense spiky vibrant green. Needles can be quite sharp, care is recommended. It's very important to keep it properly watered once cut to ensure the best needle retention.
Norways available in:
150/175cm (~5/6ft) £35
175/200cm (~6/7ft) £45
Pot Grown & Potted Nordmann Fir
Ideal for bringing in once a year, then looking after in your garden for the rest. Either keep it in its pot, well watered and fed or plant in your garden and enjoy.
(top tip plant the hole for your tree now, don’t try and dig it in January as the ground may be too hard.)
Keep your tree in the coolest place possible where possible and well watered
Pot Grown:
50-70cm not-flocked: £14.99
50-70cm flocked: £17.99
100-125cm : £35
125-150cm : £45
150-170cm : £55
All of these trees can be placed in a new pot or in the ground after Christmas to grow on for next year and be brought back inside. The larger 3 potted trees are in a special black pot within the red pot. Please keep this on the tree when you plant it out. Rootlets can emerge from the pot to allow the tree to develop but can be removed when removing the pot from the ground again Christmas 2025.
Keep your potted tree well watered and lit over Christmas. Not too close to heat sources such as fires or radiators. When in the ground or in its next pot, feed and mulch well to help it recover during its growing season.