What to do in the Garden - June


JUNE 2024


Jobs for June:

With the arrival of June in the UK, there are various essential tasks that gardeners should focus on:

  • This month is ideal for planting out bedding plants, such as geraniums and petunias, after the risk of frost has passed.

  • It is also a good time to sow biennial and perennial seeds to ensure a beautiful display in the following years.

  • Regularly feeding and watering plants is crucial during the warmer months to promote healthy growth and blooming.

  • It’s the right time to tackle weeds before they take over the garden. Mulching borders can help suppress weed growth and retain moisture in the soil.

  • Pruning spring-flowering shrubs after they have finished blooming is recommended to maintain their shape and encourage new growth.

  • Finally, staying vigilant for pests and diseases is essential, as they are more prevalent during the summer months. By staying on top of these tasks, gardeners can ensure a vibrant and healthy garden throughout the summer.

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